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2016 Keynote Speakers

Keynote Speakers 

Dr. Klaus Guenther is the Chair of Legal Theory, Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main. His research is in criminal law, legal fundamentals and international relations.

Dr. Klemen Jaklic is a constitutional scholar who works in the fields of European law, human rights, justice, constitutional pluralism and democracy. He is currently Fellow of the Carr Center for Human Rights at Harvard University, and has been teaching at Harvard since 2008. Dr. Jaklic is the author of Constitutional Pluralism in the EU (OUP 2014), and his earlier Democracy’s Third Coming: Europe as a Route to Humanity’s Third Historic Stage of Democracy won the Harvard Mancini Prize in 2011. Recently, he completed his mandate as member of the European Venice Commission and was, as one of four nominees of the President of Slovenia, in the running for selection as Judge at the ECtHR in Strasbourg.

Dr. Cristina Traina is Professor of Religion at Northwestern University. She is currently the president of the Society of Christian Ethics (USA). Professor Traina’s research areas include ethics of children, sexuality and production, and justice issues in bioethics and feminist ethics. Her most recent work is on economic rights and the labor rights of children. Recent publications include Natural Law and Feminist Ethics: the End of the Anathemas with Georgetown University Press in 1999 and Erotic Attunement: Parenthood and the Ethics of Sensuality between Unequals with University of Chicago Press in 2011.

Dr. Jurgen Moltmann is Professor Emeritus of Systematic Theology at the University of Tübingen, Germany. Arguable the most well known Protestant German theologian of his time, Professor Moltmann has worked many years on themes of eschatology, Christology, and Trinitarian theology.

Dr. Hans Lindahl is the chair of legal philosophy at Tilburg University, the Netherlands. He works in both legal and political philosophy. His Fault Lines of Globalization: Legal Order and the Politics of A-Legality, was published with Oxford University Press in 2013 (with an Italian translation in 2016). Dr. Lindahl is currently writing another book with the working title of Legal Authority and the Globalisation of Inclusion and Exclusion, under contract with Cambridge University Press in 2017.